Top 10 Points from Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress Proving He’s Mad
If you are interested in avoiding another major war, then consider it your duty as a human interested in world peace to get this article out to as many people as you possibly can.
from 21st Century Wire.com:
The speech Netanyahu gave to the U.S. Congress today is nothing less than the case for war against Iran. Voters should not, under any circumstances, allow this to hold any weight at all with policy makers – as they did with Iraq in 2003.
Here’s our rundown of the Top 10 points from his speech proving that Netanyahu has lost the plot…
Number One
“I deeply regret that some perceive my being here as political.”
Despite his opening rhetoric praising Obama, Netanyahu and the U.S. President have been known to be in what some have dubbed a hate-hate relationship. This accelerated after Obama won his second-term election, setting Netanyahu’s Republican and Neocon-friendly agenda back at least another four years. His speech in Congress has been seen as a massive breach in diplomatic protocol; so of course his presence is political and it would be crazy to think otherwise.
Number Two
“The remarkable alliance between Israel and the United States has always been above politics and it must always remain above politics.”
Contrary to popular belief Israel and United States are not, at least officially, allies. There is no treaty between the two states detailing any mutual obligations, which stems back to American ties with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; as it would be much harder for the Saudis to work with the U.S. if they were ‘officially’ tied to Israel. If it so wished, the United States could drop Israel literally overnight. So, it might be crazy to assume an alliance, especially with the presence of the tensions mentioned above.
Number Three
“In 1979 Iran was hijacked by religious zealots.”
Interestingly, Netanyahu failed to mention Operation Ajax. This was a covert operation led by the American CIA and British MI6 to ‘hijack’ Iran from the rule of the democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh, who had refused foreign companies access to Iran’s oil fields, and install the Shah; who promised to do the opposite. Calling the 1979 Iranian revolution a ‘hijacking’ is crazy, it wasn’t pretty, but it is one of the few documented cases of a legitimate revolution against Anglo-American domination and the reason why Iran is constantly framed as an enemy to this day.
This popular bit of historical fantasy also ignore the US and Britain’s role in the installation of the Ayatollah Komeini in 1979. As the deposed Shah himself lamented some years later:
“If you lift up Khomeini’s beard,” he said, “you will find Made In England written under his chin.”
We’ll refer any further questions on this matter over to Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Number Four
“Backed by Iran Assad is slaughtering Syrians, backed by Iran Shi’ite militias are rampaging through Iraq, backed by Iran Houthis are seizing control of Yemen; threatening the strategic straights at the mouth of the Red Sea. Along with the Straight of Hormuz, that would give Iran a second choke point on the world’s oil supply.”
Where do we start with this one? Assad is fighting off an invading army of foreign terrorists, and has said himself that civilian casualties are the unfortunate reality of war – like they would be in any country facing the same situation. Netanyahu’s comments mentioning ‘strategic’ points should be recognised as carefully assembled talking points for a war agenda. He is implying that such ‘strategic’ elements should not be allowed to be under Iranian control. It is crazy to think that Iran should not have a sphere of influence like every other powerful country on Earth.
The denial of a sphere of influence is what this rift is really all about.
Number Five
“Iran is now gobbling up the nations! We must all stand together to stop Iran’s march of conquest, subjugation and terror.”
Now we’re really getting into the depths of Netanyahu’s special breed of crazy. Where exactly is this ‘march of conquest’ occurring? Netanyahu makes reference to Iranian support for Assad and Hezbollah, but in what way is this any different from American support for the Kiev coup-installed leaders and rebels in Syria?
If we want to talk about conquest, we should really examine the case of Israel’s conquest via the building of illegal settlements on Palestinian land; some would go as far to argue that the entire state of Israel is itself an illegal entity.
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