’1,000 mile swath of U.S. may be destroyed by extinction level event’
by Shepard Ambellas, Intellihub:
As of January 29, 2015, Hank Hessler, a park geologist stationed at Yellowstone National Park since 2002, publicly announced and put only a 2 week time-frame for the supervolcano located under the park to erupt.
Although no one knows for sure if Hessler’s prediction will come true, it does set an eerie overtone for people located within a 1000 mile swath of the park.
Interestingly enough this information dovetails with information previously reported by Intellihub, making Hessler’s claims all that much more real. Not to mention the fact that there was more than 1,900 documented earthquakes throughout the park in 2014 alone as swarm activity continues to increase.
On March 4, 2014, Intellihub came across information, by an unnamed source, who reported that the White House had ordered the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to suppress earthquake swarm data within the region to hide what may be coming from the general public. And this is where it gets scary as Yellowstone and a 1000 mile swath surrounding the park’s supervolcano may be on the brink of an extinction level event (ELE).
In fact reports suggest that ancient Helium4 gas has breached the surface layers of Yellowstone’s crust and is now escaping into the earth’s atmosphere. Coupled with the recent and abrupt ground level rise in the park we may be looking at a recipe for disaster.
After all, Michio Kaku, a famous theoretical physicist, pointed out in a January 2011 newscast which aired on CNN, “When it blows [Yellowstone] it could destroy the United States as we know it. […] That’s what is making us nervous”
Shockingly, later in the newscast, Kaku went on to explain how a 1000-mile ring of the U.S. would likely be destroyed if the supervolcano actually went. And to make matters worse, geologists all conclude that the park is long overdue for an eruption.
In fact, the last Yellowstone eruption was thought to have happened around 630,000 years ago, meaning we are about 30,000 years overdue, literally putting us in the hot seat, front row.