“New” World Order Criminal Bankers Caused the American Revolution

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“New” World Order Criminal Bankers Caused the American Revolution


A brief introduction to 19th century monetary historian Alexander Del Mar, an outstanding member of that bare-knuckled school of writers founded by Catullus: 1:38 Introduction to Alexander Del Mar 2:40 East India Company expands its charter, 1662 3:48 “New” world order formed that same year, 1662 5:40 East India Company vastly expands charter, 1666 6:45 1666 changed course monetary history, introduced panics 7:30 Brief history of 4 panic-free monetary eras before 1666 11:40 Bank of England’s role in the Colonies 13:20 BofE dishonors its notes 2 years after its 1694 formation 13:45 Bankers use monetary power to steal from people 14:40 Depression in colonies caused by London bankers 15:40 Colonies react by printing paper money 16:27 Stamp Act turns colonists into revolutionaries 17:45 The point of no return, 1775 19:05

Conclusion Del Mar explains in no uncertain language exactly who is responsible for the depression that set off the American Revolution: greedy, self-centered, incompetent bankers–a “new order of men” that had taken root in England one hundred years earlier. Very little has changed in the intervening 350 years, as it turns out, at least when it comes to the gambit used by psychopath bankers to tilt the playing field to a 45-degree angle in their favor: they take over the monetary systems of nations. Unlike the sniveling mass of modern banking apologists found on both sides of the political aisle today, the American colonists understood that this ludicrous monetary order was causing them great harm, and threw it where it’s belonged from the beginning: off.