Fukushima TRUTH>☢ DYING Animals on US West Coast
from MsMilkytheclown1:
VIDEO: EU to Ease Rules on Japanese Food Imports (UNFUKUSHIMA BELIEVABLE) NOW… ADD THAT TO THE TPP where COUNTRY OF ORIGIN on agricultural products is Not Mandatory… a Complete recipe for Agenda 21. Also consider that the US and Canada allow a whopping 1200 Bq/kg on food products, while Japan allows a “Mere” 100 Bq/kg. So what’s Not considered safe in Japan can legally be shipped to other places in the world (with less restrictions on radiation contamination in their food). And on top of That, the EPA isn’t even checking for radioactive contamination in food.
The European Union this week will ease restrictions on food imports from Japan that were introduced in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in 2011.
The restrictions require Japan to conduct radiation checks on food products from Fukushima Prefecture and neighboring areas before they can be shipped to EU countries.
The European Commission decided on Wednesday to lift those measures for certain products, if their radiation levels have stayed below safety limits long enough. The changes will take effect on Saturday.
Almost all of the agricultural goods from Fukushima will be exempted, such as vegetables, buckwheat, tea, beef and other meat products, and fruits other than persimmon.
In addition, all food products from Aomori and Saitama, as well as rice and soybeans from 6 other prefectures in northeastern Japan will be exempted.
Japanese government officials say they will work to have the remaining restrictions lifted as soon as possible.
Japan Will Use Virtual Reality System to Dismantle Fukushima Nuclear Plant http://tinyurl.com/jt8ye6o
TOKYO – Japan will use a virtual reality system to help technicians to dismantle the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi daily reported in its online edition Friday.
The system is located at the Naraha Remote Technology Development Center, 12 km (7.5 miles) from the plant and has a 3.6 meter (12 feet) high screen, which simulates 3D images of the inside of the reactor that was struck by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
These buildings are currently inaccessible to the workers due to the presence of high levels of radiation.
The center also contains a replica of the containment vessel of a reactor, which it plans to use to test and investigate methods and technologies for dismantling.
One of the most complicated parts of the entire process is the extraction and safe storage of the melted and solidified fuel that accumulates in reactors 1, 2 and 3 of the nuclear plant. (NOTE: TEPCO has claimed it does not know where the melted fuel is nor the condition it is in. It could still be liquid and atomizing, aerosolizing everything it comes in contact with.)
Before the fuel is removed, the reactors need to be decontaminated and those sections where the water to cool them is filtered has to be repaired. (Good luck with THAT!)
However, the radiation levels are so high that for the time being authorities have only been able to use remote control devices, such as robots, to access the damaged units. (In November 2015, areas of the plant were radioactive enough to kill a person in less than an hour). (Also: robots have repeatedly failed due to high radiation readings).
Record Radiation at Fukushima Power Plant Could Kill Person In Under 1 Hourhttps://youtu.be/IIEOyBEUD4I
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency, the agency in charge of the project, hopes this technology will help improve efficiency and safety of the tedious process of dismantling the center, which is estimated to take between 30 to 40 years. (That time frame depends on technology that has yet to be invented).
Sickened animals “unlike anything doctors have ever seen” on West Coast — “They’re eating themselves from the inside” — Cancers… liver, pancreas, intestines shut down… infested with parasites and immune to antibiotics — Unprecedented catastrophe to cause loss of 200,000 sea lions http://tinyurl.com/gqsrthmand video from here: “El Nino” expected to leave more and more sea lions stranded on shorehttp://tinyurl.com/jbflccb Bring out your Sheep. Sheep Protest! – FREAKING HILARIOUS!!https://youtu.be/QcE5aDTszrY
Japanese Govt. to carefully handle nuclear pact with India
PM Abe Pushing for the TPP (bad news)
North Korea bomb test reactions
PETITION TO SIGN: Urgent! Block Fast Track of Trans Pacific Partnership NOW, Say NO to Radioactive Food from Japan. http://tinyurl.com/hutpmvb
snippets from here: Charlie Sheen On Serious Drugs FUNNY AS HELL https://youtu.be/j7RCFQK61pM
only one bonus link to day because I’m tired:
Godzilla, The Blob & Son of Blob: New Threat Could Make for Wild Weather In 2016https://youtu.be/4kXetzwKKBk