So Much More Than Nuclear
by Gordon Duff, NEO.org:
In May of 2014, a high level informant tied to the US Department of Justice came to us with a story. He said that Germany has a decades long secret protocol with Israel whereby Germany funds weapons research and production for Israel and supplies that nation with submarines specially configured for launching nuclear cruise missiles and Israel, in return, gives Germany nuclear weapons.
At the time, the “why” of Germany, a NATO power, wanting nuclear weapons wasn’t clear. There had to be more to the story much more and there was.
What was brought forward was a bizarre tale of Europe’s strongest “liberal democracy” being something quite different, a nation ruled by a shadow government, infiltrated by “hold overs” from Nazi Germany, sworn to bring down the “corrupt West and its effete democracies.”
The issues holding the world’s attention this week involve not only the nuclear settlement with Iran but Russia’s agreement to provide Iran with a “game changing” S300 air defense system. One glaring inconsistency that has been brought to the forefront is Israel’s nuclear program and why it is not subject to sanctions.
What if Israel’s nuclear program weren’t entirely their own? What if someone else was responsible, not simply the French that supplied the technology but another nation, or rather a highly dangerous rogue intelligence agency, a survivor of the conflicts and machinations of the 1930s and 40s?
In a strange turn of events, a mysterious, even mythical organization, the DVD, something right out of a James Bond novel, popped to the surface. Anyone who speaks of the DVD is either ostracized as insane or ends up in prison or dead. We have decided, out of necessity, to take that risk and attempt to give context to our findings.
The Mysterious Article
Yesterday, Veterans Today received an article published a year ago in Die Welt, written by Colonel Hans Rühle, former Head of Planning for Germany’s Ministry of Defense. It was forwarded to us by a former IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) investigator, a nuclear physicist. What it had to say was both startling and wrought with dramatic implications.
The title of the article, published in German is: Hat Deutschland Israels Atomwaffen finanziert?
Such a detailed and gripping expose written by a retired high level German/NATO official, one not only proving Israel’s illusive nuclear program to exist but outlining broad criminal complicity by the German government should have resounded around the world. Instead, it was immediately forgotten, never translated into English and never cited by anyone, including and especially those whose job it is to enforce nuclear non-proliferation treaties.
The article is, in fact, a broad confession of Germany government complicity in a bizarre and sinister plot of epic proportions.
The Israeli Response
Almost immediately after publishing an annotated version on Veterans Today, the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, published what we believe to be a response, an attempt to “spin” a very dangerous disclosure into an area that could be “contained.” Their article is titled: How Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S.
Israel’s nuclear program was totally exposed in 1986 by Mordechai Vanunu, later kidnapped and returned to Israel where he was held in solitary confinement for 18 years. The Haaretz story was hastily published, an empty and meaningless endeavor, because the article exposing the German/Israeli nuclear nexus is something far more than Germany arming Israel out of “war guilt.” Something very nasty is going on.
German Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst
Earlier this year, a British intelligence analyst and author named Michael Shrimpton was sentenced to prison. He was convicted of informing the British government that a nuclear weapon smuggled from Bremerhaven, Germany was strategically placed within blast range of the Olympic stadium outside London during the 2012 games.
Shrimpton claimed in open court that a German organization known as the DVD or Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, a Nazi “holdover” from World War II with “franchises” around the world, was responsible.
Shrimpton was sent for psychiatric examination, pilloried in the press and clearly railroaded into prison on what can only be considered a bizarre “trumped up” charge. He was convicted on the basis of having made the threat himself. Thus, the author ofSpy Hunter and NSA “asset” sits in a prison cell, silenced, allowed no visitors, no phone calls, no correspondence and no publishing privileges.
Shrimpton claims he was “railroaded” because he had exposed the DVD; the Nazi terror group he says run Germany but also runs the United States through the Bush family.
Christopher Story
In 2010, Christopher Story, known to many as Edward Harle, died mysteriously. Intelligence insiders believe Story was murdered by the DVD. From Wikipedia:
“Christopher Edward Harle Story FRSA (1938 – 14 July 2010) was a British writer, publisher and government adviser specialising in intelligence and economic affairs, who is perhaps best known for his collaboration with KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn on the 1995 book The Perestroika Deception.
Christopher Story, the son of Colonel Henry Harle Story MC of the Cameronians, was educated at Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford, and then worked as an industrial writer in Canada. In 1963, he formed his own publishing company specialising in intelligence and founded “World Reports Limited” that year.
Since 1970, Story edited and published International Currency Review, which has included the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Bank of England amongst its subscribers. Story became an economic adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and in 1991, a year after her resignation, he published Soviet Analyst due to his continued scepticism about Mikhail Gorbachev, perestroika and the official version of events in the Soviet Union.[7] Soviet Analyst was a respected journal whose previous editors included Robert Conquest and Tibor Szamuely.”
Christopher Story, longtime associate of my good friend, Lee Wanta, was an agent of Britain’s secret services, something not included in his official biography but true none the less. Story, a respected lecturer on global currency issues and intelligence told of an organization formed during the late 1920s, formed of a coalition between the Bush family in the US, then part of the Harriman/Rothschild banking cartel of New York/City of London, and the “Hitler Project,” so aptly written about by Webster Tarpley in his Unauthorized Biography of George H.W. Bush.
According to Story, this group which controlled the Federal Reserve in the United States and the majority of the world’s central banks served an agenda of world conquest, both overt and covert. Story cited Hitler as a “puppet” of the organization that would later be called the DVD. British Prime Minister Edward Heath was a DVD operative as was Prime Minister Tony Blair and a significant number of high ranking British politicians.
The DVD’s Pedophile Signature
Pedophile rings in both the US and Britain, such as those recently brought to light in the most recent of many, the Westminster Pedophile Scandal and, in the US, the Franklin Scandal, tying a national child trafficking ring to the Bush family, dozens of prominent American legislators and major corporate leaders.
It was the decade of the 1980s when the scope of the problem, the infiltration of the highest levels of governments, particularly NATO nations, by large scale organized pedophile rings came to light. The Bush family and DVD were brought to light by Houston based journalist Tom Philpot. His 1981 documentary, Boys for Sale traces regional child exploitation rings to the highest levels of US government and the center of what other informants tell us is the DVD. Philpot’s film is termed, “The Forgotten Documentary.”
Lee Wanta
Wanta, a longtime friend, was a close confidant of President Ronald Reagan who he served as White House Intelligence Coordinator. Wanta’s biography, White Swan, Black Hat, tells of his colorful career in counter-intelligence and global finance. Wanta also tells of the open war in Washington, at that time, between those supporting President Reagan and those allied with a European based group, headquartered in the city of Dachau, just north of Munich, the DVD. According to Wanta, the DVD dated back to well before World War II and involved the Bush family and other American “conservatives” who were allied with the Rothschild owned Federal Reserve System.
While working for Reagan, Wanta accumulated a massive multi-trillion dollar fund intended to end Federal Reserve control of the US, pay off all debts and restore America’s infrastructure. While Wanta was in Switzerland under diplomatic cover, investigating DVD operations chief Hans Brand, also known as “Marc Rich,” longtime Clinton confidant, Wanta was kidnapped and imprisoned. Later Wanta was “extradited” to the State of Wisconsin where he was sentenced to 22 years in prison for “tax evasion,” a charge now admittedly fraudulent, almost humorously so.
The funds held in trust in accordance with the Reagan-Wanta-Mitterrand Protocols were looted by DVD operatives working with the Bush family while Wanta was imprisoned. While the courts have ordered the Wanta funds restored, key DVD fronts have petitioned the courts to act as “trustee” to minimize the impact on “world affairs” with this much capital being placed in the hands of a single individual.
What Wanta does confirm is not only the existence of the DVD but that it was seen by President Reagan not only as a very real threat but Reagan also cited the DVD as fully complicit in the 1981 assassination attempt by a Bush family friend, John Hinckley.
9/11 Redux
According to Colonel Hans Rühle, identified as a probable intelligence asset of an unknown organization, Germany went through decades of deceptions including financing what they claimed to be a desalination plant nowhere near a salinated body of water and a massive “textile” complex that never made a napkin. One was the Dimona reactor, the other a weapons grade plutonium processing facility.
According to Rühle, this decades long deception that has brought the world to the brink of war time and time again was done by Germany out of “war guilt.” Like the phony Haaretz story that followed the translation and “framing” of the Die Welt story, the claim of “war guilt” as a motive for Germany building an illegal nuclear arsenal for itself using Israel as a “straw man” lacks credibility.
Germany, represented by Prescott Bush and Company (brother of President George H.W.Bush) operated a weapons grade nuclear enrichment facility in South Africa as late as 2003 and was implicated in the sale of weapons grade centrifuges to Libya. Their “agent,” DVD operative Johan Meyer, was arrested in South Africa in 2004 but has disappeared.
In 2014, US Department of Energy documents from 2003 were released proving categorically that 9/11 was a nuclear event. Subsequent leaks of investigation files from the FBI/Able Danger group establish not only a Saudi-Israeli operations group working out of Fort Lee, New Jersey as directly tied to the destruction of the triple towers but cites Israel and key Bush family operatives as key to the planning of 9/11.
As with the German motive of “war guilt,” the motive for 9/11 is generally believed to be the oft quoted PNAC (Project for a New American Century) call for a new “Pearl Harbor” to justify an American takeover of the Middle East.
AS with the German “war guilt” motive, the “Pearl Harbor” motive is both insubstantial and overly convenient. America could have been pushed to war with a car bombing or assassination. It wasn’t necessary to stage 9/11, perhaps the most complex military operation in history.
Few remember that the supposed motive for “bin Laden” to have staged 9/11 was “distress” at the fact that American women had served in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield/Storm and that their presence somehow defiled the holy places of Islam.
Now we may well have another direction to look. Was 9/11 revenge for the systematic murder of over one million Germans by the US between 1945 and 1947 under the Morgenthau Plan? Was it simply slaughter for the sake of slaughter done on behalf of an organization that craves entropy and is sworn to serve evil?
An Apology
Many times Benjamin Fulford or Michael Shrimpton came to me with evidence of the mysterious organization called the DVD. Both seem at times almost fanatical in their opposition to something no one has heard of. Is it just them or is such fanaticism a natural response to endemic evil?
A cursory examination of available intelligence on the DVD shows it to deeply parallel the Council on Foreign Relations. For years, intelligence organizations have stumbled over mysterious secret societies, cults, cabals and cartels. In order to add a sense of unity and structure, terms were developed, Khazarian Mafia, Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Black Nobility and many others including Dr. Preston James’ SSG (Secret Shadow Government).
What is known is that what we see, ISIS and is magical unseen allies, a world of rigged elections, manipulated economies and leaderless “empty hat” governments, cannot exist without a DVD. We know it isn’t about money; there is nothing left to buy.
Could or would a group exist only to dominate and destroy? Is there some inherent reward in entropy alone? Consider Bush or Blair, consider Cheney or Netanyahu. Is evil for evil’s sake alone so farfetched?