US Designs Against Russia Discussed Candidly in Speech; German Parliament Reacts (Merkel Gets Roasted)

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by Richard Edmonson, Fig Trees and Vineyards:


 The speaker in the above video is George Friedman, founder and CEO of Stratfor, the private intelligence subcontractor that works closely with the CIA but also serves as a consultant to private corporations. The company has also been referred to as the “shadow CIA.”

In this speech, given in February of this year, Friedman, a Hungarian Jew, pretty much lets the cat out of the bag in terms of US objectives in eastern Europe.  These include the construction of a “cordon sanitaire” around Russia and the creation of a string of NATO bases stretching from the Baltic to the Black seas–all with the objective of depriving Russia of a neutral buffer zone against NATO aggression. Furthermore, he says, Russia is aware of this and believes the US goal is ultimately the breakup of the Russian Federation.

Most significantly of all, the success of US ambitions hinges upon Germany, Friedman says, and specifically upon the US being able to induce a complete severing of trade ties between the German Republic and Russia. Full German cooperation with the US game plan, will put the US neocons well on their way to total global hegemony.

It is a classic strategy of divide and conquer, but there is some good news. The public disclosure of the speech has created a stir in the German Parliament. In the following video, German Chancellor Angela Merkel gets fairly well roasted over the coals by Bundestag member Sahra Wagenknecht.


Apparently also a significant portion of the German public is waking up to the fact that Merkel is a stooge of the US.

Whether the wake up will come in time to stop World War III is hard to say, but the US media seem to be in an all-out push now to get the war started. One of the most rabid pieces of anti-Putin propaganda I’ve seen yet was published today by Newsweek. In the piece Stephen Blank says Putin’s aim is to create a “Russian empire” that will entail the conquest not only of Ukraine, but all the other countries of Eastern Europe as well no less.

Seen through this Russian lens, the concept of a Ukrainian state independent of Russia is at best a legend or fantasy. At worst it incarnates a threat to the very existence of the Russian state. And obviously Moscow will meet that threat with violence.

But the implications of Putin’s rhetoric and actions go deeper. If no Ukrainian state has the right to exist, the entire settlement of 1989 to 1991 in Eastern Europe, and especially in the former Soviet Union, is illegitimate and a standing threat to the Russian state. Thus Putin not only aims to overthrow the entire post–Cold War order in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, he is also saying that the Russian state as such not only cannot tolerate an independent Ukraine, it can only survive as an empire.

We need to be clear about this point and what it means because empire, to put it bluntly, means permanent war or conflict. The imperial concept inherently denotes the domination of one people by another and the subjugation of the weaker state by the stronger without any possibility of democratic political expression in the colony.

Blank closes the piece with a warning that “inactivity today” will lead to the onset of a “much larger conflict that Putin’s action will inevitably bring upon Russia.”

The writer, of course, has the situation reversed. It is the actions of US leaders that are bringing the world dangerously close to war.


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