
RED ALERT! 2 Cat 5 Financial Hurricanes Hitting RIGHT NOW!! (Bix Weir)

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from RoadtoRoota:

RED ALERT! 2 Cat 5 Financial Hurricanes Hitting RIGHT NOW!! (Bix Weir)


Behind the scenes the financial world is ON FIRE! Not only is a CAT 5 hurricane going to hit one of the most expensive real estate areas on the planet but the FX Derivative Market in the UK has IMPLODED forcing massive bailouts just to temporarily plug the holes to hold back the Tsunami!! Hurricane Ian with DESTROY the already struggling Florida insurance companies such that MOST OF THEM WILL FAIL! This is a lesson in 3rd party risk and an insurance derivative MESS! These two Financial Catagory 5 events are happening RIGHT NOW! THIS IS IT MY FRIENDS….THE END GAME!<