My First Hand ICU Story – The “PROTOCOL” is WhatKilling People In The Hospital
from Kate Dalley TruthINRADIO :
My First Hand ICU Story – What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital
My husband WALKED out of the ICU in just 3 1/2 days. Fastest ICU patient in history of Cov. What we did. What to tell others. It’s not “blovid”- the protocol is what is killing people in the ICU. Here is what to do and how to do it. What to demand. What treatment. Please Share This! More at katedalleyradio.com in show notes on entire story. My husband had 4 major “risk” categories- so by their “blovid” standards, should be dead. We changed THEIR protocol and saved his life. This is how we did it.
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