
MUST WATCH: The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ Virus you’ve heard all month! Kinda.

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from Dana Ashlie:

The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ Virus you’ve heard all month! Kinda.

Covid-19 Pandemic Aided by Weaponized 60GHZ 5G Rollout Across China??


My work now backed up on (more below) Is this truly Viral or is it F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms ‘showing’ as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it’s impact on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin. This specific frequency is absorbed by oxygen. 60GHz causes the rotation of the electrons around the oxygen molecule to spin, thus inhibiting the ability of hemoglobin to properly uptake these oxygen molecules. What would be the ultimate ‘solution’ to such a problem as this “V.I.Rus”?