
PewDiePie Meets The Mafia – Analysis by E. Michael Jones

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from E. Michael Jones:

PewDiePie Meets The Mafia – Analysis by E. Michael Jones


On September 10th, the largest individual YouTuber, PewDiePie, released a video where he stated that he would be donating $50,000 to the Anti-Defamation League. Following 24 hours of backlash on the internet from his fans and cultural commentators like Dr. E. Michael Jones, PewDiePie retracted his offer to donate to this criminal organization. In this video, Dr. Jones breaks down how this happened, what this organization REALLY does, provides historical context. Whether PewDiePie intended this or not, he has brought the crimes of this organization to the attention of his 100+ milllion YouTube Subscribers and Red-Pilled them on the truth about this anti-American hate organization.


Psychological Warfare: E. Michael Jones on YouTube Censorship
