
Ilhan Omar’s Non-Biological Husband Considering Divorce

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from John Ward:

Ilhan Omar’s Non-Biological Husband Considering Divorce


Ahmed Hirsi – the non-brusband husband of Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (Ilhan Nur Said Elmi) is reportedly considering divorce after a DC woman’s own divorce filing sent Omar’s white meat affair into the mainstream spotlight. After DC democrat feminist Beth Mynett filed for divorce from Democrat consultant Tim Mynett – because he was having an affair with Ilhan Omar – Ahmed Hirsi found out the hard way that his legal wife frequents the only bone-in Chick-Fil-A that’s open 24/7. This video will catch the uninitiated up to speed on the Ilhan-Ahmed-Ahmed-Tim husband-brusband-sidemeat love tetrahedron, including Omar’s multiple alleged felonies for immigration, marriage, and tax fraud.
