Spiritual Warfare

“The FinTech Deal You Didn’t Hear About!” – ISRAEL’S MYSTERY

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from FaceLikeTheSun:

“The FinTech Deal You Didn’t Hear About!” – ISRAEL’S MYSTERY (1/7)


This is part 1/7 of ISRAEL’S MYSTERY: Gatekeepers of a New Economic World Order, where I discuss the topic of #Fintech as it pertains a recent agreement between Andrew Cuomo, the Gov. of NY, and the Bank of Israel, among other financial institutions from the modern nation state of Israel. The agreement promises to “enable information sharing” to help build the infrastructure for the oncoming fintech revolution. Such developments appear to be in response to the actual return of a decentralized world, but this time, with computers. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, especially #Bitcoin, are we about to see a massive shake up in the economic infrastructure of the world? And might it have something to do with biblical prophecy? Most importantly, how will we continue to fulfill the great commission to make disciples of all nations despite the positive and negative changes that are taking place in our economic infrastructure? Matthew 24:14 explicitly states that “…this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness (testimony) unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” The oncoming fintech is providing a vehicle for a literal fulfillment of passages like these by creating a world where the strongholds of central banks/governments are greatly reduced and replaced by the massive social interconnectivity of a sovereign Internet monetary system, that will rapidly on-board the remaining billions of the human population. However, if that were the case, then the Scriptures are also clear that just prior to His return, we will have a world in which a beast, and a leader who is referenced as the “man of sin,” will have an image built after him for worship, and a mark that all must take on the right hand or forehead to participate in economic transactions (buy or sell). This pattern of one individual massively abusing their power appears to be magnified to the extent of a worldwide phenomenon as outlined in Revelation 13. Perhaps the most alarming aspect of this scenario involves the active elimination of the followers of Jesus Christ. This dual scenario of the Gospel being preached to the whole Kingdom, and during that same time or shortly after, a man of sin not only issuing the mark of the beast, but going after the saints successfully, both* serve as major sign posts, that the return of Jesus Christ is astonishingly near. And while we do not know the day nor the hour, all signs are beginning to suggest that it’s time to step it up for the kingdom of God!


source links https://bit.ly/2GAbtme https://pwc.to/29Y4m6f https://bit.ly/2Z1FO8a https://bit.ly/2AQ29co https://yhoo.it/2ZcyKFa https://bit.ly/2HbXfYI https://bit.ly/31RiWVR https://bit.ly/2YYpXHK https://bit.ly/33AZXAG https://bit.ly/2HeTAcI https://bit.ly/33FbPlg https://bit.ly/2Hg1Lp8 https://bit.ly/2JVC25U https://bit.ly/2OZhy1Y https://yhoo.it/2z8dlhM https://bit.ly/30fgisB https://bit.ly/2KHvU35 https://bit.ly/33Kzroq https://bit.ly/2OZhy1Y