
Fredo Corleone Ends Chris Cuomo’s Career

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from John Ward:

Fredo Corleone Ends Chris Cuomo’s Career


CNN superstar anchor Chris Cuomo – and relatively unknown professional anchor Chris Cuomo – was recently “confronted” on camera by a man calling him “Fredo” – a reference to the loser brother in The Godfather. Fredo oops I mean Chris Cuomo, who might have taken the high road and emerged victorious, instead melted down in borderline-unbelievable fashion. Having, by his actions, confirmed now and forever that Chris Cuomo is indeed the Fredo-est Fredo – and with the President of the f**king United States selling Fredo t-shirts with Cuomo’s face on them – it may finally be fair to say: Chris Cuomo’s career is officially over.

