
Quarantine or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The_Donald

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from John Ward:

Quarantine or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The_Donald


On June 26th, 2019 – the day of the first 2020 Democrat Primary Debate, but obviously that doesn’t matter – the massively popular no-brakes domreddit “The_Donald” was quarantined by an SS unit of Reddit admins, likely led by company co-founder and CEO “Spez Preps The Bull”. Desperate to censor their own horrible ideas from even their opposition, SBTB and his team of pork-lords allegedly groped T_D into an Andy Ngo-only internment camp: Internet Edition, effectively negating its ability to, you know – share words, noises, and pictures. One can only speculate why the Democrats would take action to limit their own reach and publicity – or one could just watch the debate, and not have to speculate at all. But either way, The_Donald joins a growing line at the forearm tattoo shop by order of the Tolerant Left.

