
Alyssa Milano’s #SexStrike Broken By Alyssa “Puck Bunny” Milano

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from John Ward:

Alyssa Milano’s #SexStrike Broken By Alyssa “Puck Bunny” Milano


If you haven’t heard of Alyssa Milano, congratulations – seriously. But if you have, you’re likely aware of her May 2019 magnum opus #SexStrike – a heroic Twitter crusade in support of abstinence in the face of the Georgia Fetal Heartbeat law. …except Milano didn’t intend her Stalinesque restriction on female freedom of choice to be pro-life so much as she just gets off telling people what to do – and, as she faces massive backlash from LIBERAL WOMEN who, you know, don’t really see any reason to not enjoy a healthy human relationship, some interesting history is coming to light with regards to the New York (of course) failed actress. Ever heard the term “Puck Bunny”?
