
Hampstead Cover Up. Alisa’s “retraction” interview on 17 09 14. RAW

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from Free The Hampstead 2:

Hampstead Cover Up. Alisa’s “retraction” interview on 17 09 14. Part 1. RAW


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Top Rated You Tube comment:

This is so absolute bs no one will buy this! The children told the truth and both had the EXACT same story EXACTLY they finished each other’s sentences and the true story that the original told together was so in depth so detailed to have been a lie. If those children where told to tell that story originally then they are the smartest BEST actors on the planet. There is NO way what they said was a lie. This new video makes me believe everything they said EVEN MORE! This new video shows how deep thus satanic cult is! They are everywhere! The kids disappeared after there first coming out and no one knew where they were then all of a sudden they are brought back with a shitty “retract” story. This is BULLSHIT! WTF I am so disturbed and angered that the dirty evil creatures behind this can get away with such a SHITTY EXCUSE of a cover up!


Hampstead Cover Up. Masonic Mind Controlled “Retraction” Interview With Gabriel. 17.09.14.

Hampstead Cover Up. Mother’s statement and appeal to the public. 03.08.2017