CNN “Witches Offended by Trump Saying Witch Hunt” – LOL LOL!!
from John Ward:
CNN “Witches Offended by Trump Saying Witch Hunt” Report Flirts With Journalistic Greatness
As Special Counsel Robert Mueller enters the third year of his struggle to find any evidence whatsoever of whatever Russian “collusion” is, CNN made the brilliant journalistic decision to highlight some of the known facts in a December thinkpiece probing the depths of emotional fragility in the “Witch” community.
Apparently offended that President Donald Trump calls the Mueller Witch Hunt a “witch hunt,” representatives of the “Witch” community accepted the invitation of 37-year-with-no-promotions CNN reporter Jeanne Moos to just sort of whine about something no one cares about.
More from John Ward…
Jordan Peterson Ends Feminist Politician’s Career
One would think that after the Cathy Newman MS-DOS reboot fiasco that no intelligent feminist would again challenge Dr. Jordan Peterson to a debate about gender. There’s just one problem – said category doesn’t exist.
Cue Swedish feminist and Centre Party politician Annie Loof, who oppressed her way on to Fredrik Skavian’s Norwegian TV show in order to bigot her “ideas” in the general direction of the world-renowned clinical psychologist. To Loof’s chagrin, Skaviafredn had something of a religious experience listening to JP’s sweet science sermons, and the Scandinavian audience actually burst into applause with respect for Peterson (at the expense of Loof).