Alaska and the George H. W. Bush 11-30-18 Death Observation
from MrCati:
Alaska and the George H. W. Bush 11-30-18 Death Observation
This report discusses the recent Anchorage AK earthquake and the death of George H.W. Bush and how these two separate events that occurred on 11-30-18, are both related to the larger 9-23 mega ritual currently underway, under new group efforts and leadership, due to the recent death of G.H.W.Bush, POTUS 41.
While the death of Bush negated the 12-01-18 noted date of action for the 23 cabal, sudden changes altered the date to 12-02-18 which is associated with the discovery of an asteroid 2018-WV1, that is due to do a close pass-by on 12-02-18. A follow on report will show and discuss asteroid 2018-WV1.
Background Sources and Links: Bush Dead at 94 https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/01/forme… http://time.com/longform/president-ge… Anchorage Alaska Earthquake https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/… https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gall…