TRUMP! OUR ALPHA MALE PREZ! + beta barry’s bold-faced lies exposed
By The Phaser |
from Black Conservative Patriot:
TRUMP! OUR ALPHA MALE PREZ! + beta barry’s bold-faced lies exposed…again. | HRC’s Bad “Joke”
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Alpha Beta Crook
Laura Ingraham interviewed President Trump and his alpha male, “tell-it-like-it-is” New York style of straight forward bravado was on full display. Plus, I debunk Hillary Clinton’s supposedly offensive remarks regarding Spartacus Cory Booker, Kickin’ Eric Holder and the idea that all black males look alike. I catch up with Obama, who is out stirring up tiny crowds behind POTUS in an attempt to instigate a blue ripple. I expose his lies about the approaching horde with facts. Lastly, we look at some weird news out of Florids [sic] involving Whore’s Face & Accessory Psy-Op [sic].
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