Hidden History & Technology
Massive Pyramids in Antarctica & Is Planet 9 Ripping Earth Apart?
from Leak Project:
Clif High: Massive Pyramids Built by Giants in Antarctica & Is Planet 9 Ripping the Earth Apart?
Clif High will be on the program to discuss the Latest Alta Report, Kilauea Volcano, its implications, is there a Astrological Body effecting the Earths Core, Why did the Earths rotation mysteriously slow down last year? Will 2018 be a year of extreme weather events? Will Planet 9 and Possibly Planet X be visible? What about Chan Thomas and his Essay’s that postulate a release of grey matter every several thousand years that create a series of global events, so catastrophic, nearly the entire world population becomes extinct and has to start over. What bout Bitcoin and other Crypto Coins? Join us Live at Noon Central time. Be the change you want to see!