
Eddie Bravo Drops TRUTH Bombs: The 9th Circle, Jimmy Savile & The Royal Family

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from Irish Technical Thinker:

Eddie Bravo Drops Mother Of All Bombs | The 9th Circle, Jimmy Savile & The Royal Family


Eddie Bravo Drops Mother Of All Bombs | The 9th Circle, Jimmy Savile & The Royal Family

Eddie Bravo Drops The Mother Of All Bombs on Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli #76: The Royal Rumble with Eddie Bravo, Pat Miletich and David Clark. This is why i’m a fan of Eddie Bravo, he speaks up and talk about the EVIL that is going on with children in Ireland, UK and America….In fact all o the world!!!! The evil needs exposed. More is coming.



Pat Miletich Admits He’s A Freemason & Eddie Bravo Has Serious Questions…

Watch Eddie Bravo Goes Crazy | Pat Miletich Admits He’s A Freemason. Personally, I thought Eddie Bravo was going to vomit.

Put yourself in Eddie Bravo’s shoes here, you’re doing a podcast talking about conspiracies and the guy that admits he is head, of a free masonic lodge and owns his own podcast, talking about conspiracy theories. I would throw up and watch my back, not in jiu-jitsu terminology but in real life brother.

Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli #76: The Royal Rumble with Eddie Bravo, Pat Miletich and David Clark.
