Spiritual Warfare
Jim Caviezel Testimony [Who Played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ]
from Christus Rex:
Jim Caviezel Testimony (Actor Who Played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ Film)
Amazing testimony and words of Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ film, which is the highest grossing R-rated film in history (and rightly so) just like the Holy Bible is the world’s best-selling book (and rightly so). Jim Caviezel is being interviewed by Dave Cooper.
This interview is highly inspiring. He talks about how God’s Providence allowed him to suffer several very painful injuries and illnesses when filming which allowed him to participate in and portray Christ’s Passion in a deep and real way. He tells about the shocking fact that he was struck by lightning at one point in the production.
He gives advice to all Catholics about the seriousness of living the Faith, not trying to “fit in” with our neo-pagan society, and the necessity, joy, and honor of suffering for Jesus Crucified for the salvation of souls. His testimony is amazing and real. Based on the following event posting, it appears that he did this interview on August 1, 2010: http://www.sdrock.com/events/7175/ Jim Cavaziel’s testimony is all the more surprising and rare when you consider the findings of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqkJB…
If you want to see videos containing all the flashback scenes of The Passion of the Christ with Jim Cavaziel as Jesus along with a great audio reading on top, check out “The Beatitudes Expanded and Explained” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GATlb…