Comet Ping Pong Finally Investigated! Kudos 2 Titus & HoneyBee
from Black Conservative Patriot:
Comet Pizza Finally Investigated! Time 2 Share #Pizzagate W/All Naysayers! Kudos 2 Titus & HoneyBee
#Pizzagate is Scarier in 70″! That’s what I found out when I shared Comet Ping Pong Pizza and James Alefantis Instagram pics, Tony and John Podesta art, and Heavy Breathing and Sex Stains videos with someone that wasn’t familiar with Pedogate in my family room last night. Finally Comet Pizza is Investigated- Shotout to Titus Frost & HoneyBee for getting the word out. Let’s get the word out and share this with naysayers. People are abandoning the Clinton cult in droves. Now is the time strike via mass exposure while consciousness is high.
Five Suspicious & Creepy Facts About James Alefantis #PizzaGate
James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Pizza, Comet Ping Pong, Transformer Museum and Pegasus Museum became a man of high interest to the truther community after the leak of the Podesta emails. His suspicious behavior, disturbing taste in art,reputation as being one of the most powerful men in Washington DC, and his controversial instagram posts to add fuel to the PizzaGate theory fire.
Is there a sinister side to Alefantis, is he linked to child trafficking and money laundering… or is he innocent?