False Flag

MUST WATCH: Vegas Shooting: The Official Story Makes No Sense (Parts 1&2)

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from SonofNewo:

October 1 Las Vegas Shooting: the Official Story Makes No Sense (Parts 1 & 2)


In this three-part series, I will explain how the official story of the October 1 Las Vegas Shooting, allegedly committed by Stephen Paddock, makes no sense. Part 1 explains ‘SonofNewo’s Presumption’ for mass casualty events blamed on a dead or incompetent assailant, and provides an overview of the evidence showing a second shooter.


PART 2: Las Vegas Shooting: Mandalay / Campos Timeline Keeps Changing


In Part 2 of this three-part series, I examine the inconsistent, contradictory, and constantly shifting “official” timeline of what occurred within Mandalay Bay during the October 1 Las Vegas Shooting. The Las Vegas Police and the FBI have changed this timeline three times already, and after Jesus Campos’s October 18 interview on the Ellen Degeneres Show, they may have to change it for a fourth time.

Part 3: