Spiritual Warfare

Google Doodle Shows Rapture, Antichrist & Bug Out Signal?

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from theJonathanKleck:

Google Doodle Shows Rapture, Antichrist & Bug Out Signal?


The Google Doodle animation from 10.10.17 could be signaling to head to bugout locations as the “Sun is rising over the west”. Meaning the Antichrist is coming to power and it’s time for Revelation to come into play. The Bride of Christ will be protected and spared from the Wrath of God, make sure you are a part of this group before it all begins. Confess your sins, and accept Christ’s payment and His Lordship into your heart, that is all it takes to be redeemed back to God. — “Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre” https://youtu.be/JxmEFeKy8aI
