Could Precious Metals Equities Ever Rise 5,000% Again?
Could Precious Metals Equities Ever Rise 5,000% Again?
“I think all of the gains in the crypto currency space, most of these going parabolic recently, this is the canary in the coal mine of the gains that are going to come in the precious metals sector. At the end of the day, when you look at gold, when you look at silver, precious metals (unlike cryptos) have stood the test of time“, so says Edward Karr the President & CEO of US Gold Corp which trades on the Nasdaq as USAU.
Mr. Karr predicts: “The mining stocks are going to go up tremendously. I really believe that if we get a nice pullback in the market, we’re in the last stages of this bull market, I think that fear as people start to panic, the money will flow right into the precious metals sector… there is no better place to be to protect yourself and your loved ones than precious metals.”
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