WannaCry Ransomware Virus Is a Globalist False Flag Attack On Bitcoin
from The Dollar Vigilante:
WannaCry Ransomware Virus Is a Globalist False Flag Attack On Bitcoin
Fasting and a Fruitarian Diet Cured Jeff’s Depression & Can Cure Almost Anything with Patricia Lager
Jeff interviews Patricia Lager, topics include: Patricia’s journey from being a traditional doctor to understanding fasting and it’s health benefits, popular superstitions about fasting, the beauty of feeling well, traditional diet and the lymphatic system, doctors and pharmaceuticals, the human diet is fruit and vegetables, veganism and compassion, spiritual clarity, toxin elimination, people believe the opposite of truth, the different types of fasts, getting started, colonics and enemas, parasites and emotions, iridology, people use food to cover up feelings, give yourself the gift of a fast or fruit and vegetable diet, reconnect with life!
The Dr. Morse website: https://www.drmorsesherbalhealthclub….
And an alternative view from Chris Duane who has been endlessly bashing Bitcoin since it was $50:
BitCOiN and Ransomware