
Desperate Counter Attack by Satanic Mafia Failing on ALL Fronts as Human Liberation Nears

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from Benjamin Fulford, via ufoswlg:

Desperate Counter Attack by Satanic Mafia Failing on ALL Fronts as Human Liberation Nears


by Benjamin Fulford,

We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing.

The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists are pushing “the Russians did it!” story to remove attorney General Jeff Sessions and prevent arrests of child killing politicians. Pentagon sources confirm that over 1500 pedophiles have been arrested since Donald Trump took office as President of the United States and that a grand jury is preparing indictments against a whole swath of DC and New York establishment figures.

Another sign that things have really begun to change is that legal action has now begun against the private sector prison slave camps being run in the US.

The counter-attack by the Satanists in the US is being orchestrated by the Rothschilds and the Bush/Clinton mafia who have unleashed their top servants like former President Barack Obama and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos against the Trump regime. Last week, Obama announced he was setting up an anti-Trump headquarters with adviser Valerie Jarret two miles from the White House. This move was followed by Trump tweets accusing “bad or sick guy”
Obama of illegally wiretapping him. Our advice to house slave Obama is to not risk his life and liberty on behalf of his Rothschild slave masters.

Another Rothschild house slave, Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, called for marching, blood and death on the streets.

Our advice to African Americans is to not let these house slaves fool you into protesting on behalf of Satan worshipping slave drivers.

A sign of the intensity of the battle now raging was seen when Bezos offered child torturer and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a job with his Washington Post propaganda machine. Podesta was also given a $600 million war-chest for the Washington Post by the rogue (Bush) CIA for propaganda purposes.

And yet, immediately after Bezos announced this. servers came under heavy, sustained attack.

It is unlikely Bezos himself will survive long, CIA and Pentagon sources say.

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