PizzaGate Update: Alefantis Caught in another Lie?
from Bait and Sketch:
PizzaGate Update: Alefantis Caught in another Lie?
New attempts to debunk PizzaGate continue to magnify the public’s suspicions. One recent article indirectly exposes a blatant lie from Comet Ping Pong’s owner regarding the existence of a basement in his restaurant. This video serves as a live discussion between people following PizzaGate, it is not intended to be the most complete or concise breakdown of the information, but rather a real time discussion between the community to share everyone’s ideas and evidence in a live setting.The Pizza Gate theory allegedly connects numerous high ranking government officials in an ongoing ring of criminal activity and child abuse. Several investigators around the story are now mysteriously missing or killed. Evidence gathered from many sources, including Hillary Clinton’s e-mails released on Wikileaks has raised some seriously concerning questions that are being ignored or misrepresented by mainstream journalists. The mainstream media is trying to bury this story, let’s spread the word.