Elon Musk: ‘We Must Hack Our Brains or Be Destroyed by A.I.’

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from Truthstream Media:

Elon Musk: ‘We Must Hack Our Brains or Be Destroyed by A.I.’


Sorry we’ve been so quiet over here at TSM, we’ve been working desperately to finish our first mini-documentary for Amazon as a means to fund our first feature-length documentary which is about 75% finished. More news on that coming very soon!

Now, check out this problem-reaction-solution bit. In this vid, my friend Joe Joseph from Freedom Link/The Daily Sheeple shared this Elon Musk video with me and I asked if I could record it to share our discussion with you all. Musk claims that, because artificial intelligence is coming, we have two choices. We either make ourselves symbiotically mandatory to the AI or we will basically be destroyed (or end up as pets, but he says that’s the “benign scenario”). Check out how he says we have to go about it…direct cortical interface. Sounds like every DARPA business proposal I’ve read lately. In another clip, Musk also says with AI, we are “unleashing the demon”.

Every sci-fi movie we’ve ever seen is apparently coming true right now…

Main Musk Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrGPu…