
Who Are The Silver Stealers & Can They Steal Your Freedom?

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from John B. Wells:

Who Are The Silver Stealers & Can They Steal Your Freedom?

VIDEO:  Our guests today: Charles Savoie
The Silver Stealers: An Initiative to Protect Private Property Rights of American Citizens.

Charles Savoie has written the best researched and documented case on silver and the banking establishment going back into history.

“On page 557 they admit that the year 2002 might be the halfway point for their dream of global Anglophile domination. “Best souls” means “most conspiratorial minds;” “first organization” means The Pilgrims Society of London and New York; and “the seizure of the wealth necessary” means many planned disasters caused by government actions negatively impacting the wealth of nonmembers, and those outside the ranks of such unofficial subsidiary organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations, which has long served as a staffing agency for multiple Presidential administrations.

“The seizure of the wealth necessary” means many particulars, the first World War; Britain’s attack on the world’s silver money system, starting in India in 1926 with the decision of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency; the Crash of 1929, facilitated by Federal Reserve policies; the Great Depression, caused by Britain’s attack on silver; Britain’s attack on gold in September 1931, exacerbating the depression; seizing gold from American citizens in March 1933, and seizing silver in August 1934 to the extent of 113,031,000 silver ounces; driving China off its silver standard as of November 3, 1935 through the Silver Purchase Act of 1934; FDR’s socialist federal agencies; the second World War; the founding of the United Nations; the Korean war; the ending of silver coinage by the mid 1960’s; the Vietnam war and its war manufacturers windfalls; and all the ensuing major financial dislocations since that time to the crushing of the Hunt/Arab silver play in January 1980; to today’s mortgage crisis; forcing the middle class into apartments (feudalism); exportation of industry and jobs; reduced standard of living; Food and Drug Administration tyranny; the anticipation of hyperinflation; and concerns over a potential Federal nationalization of precious metals!

It is to exert against that last eventuality that I present this essay, to place this specific elitist organization on public notice that they are now known; a partial summary record of their past attacks on gold and silver money and ownership; and a partial list of specific identified Pilgrims Society members involved over the years, acting to suppress gold and silver as money and against the commodity prices of each, and acting against citizen ownership of both!)”

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