How Hillary WILL STEAL The Election! — FRACTION MAGIC

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from Black Box Voting, via Truth Warriors:

How Hillary WILL Steal the Election! – Fraction Magic


RED ALERT – get this everywhere NOW! Everybody send to Donald Trump by all methods! All States must be issued temporary restraining orders to make their voting machines SAVE the pictures of the ballots and must be prevented from deleting them! This must be done NOW! We have them – we know how they do it! Restraining orders must be filed to SAVE the images of the ballots to stop the steal!

Smoking Gun 100% PROOF of how Hillary Plans on Stealing the Election! At the central stations! They are using fractions and can make it come out however they want! They are destroying the pictures of the ballots immediately so they can’t be audited! Get this story out EVERYWHERE now! Emergency lawsuits must be filed in all states now to force them to SAVE the pictures of the ballot for auditing the results!

I’m giving prizes to anybody who shares this video and emails me at glenn@nsearch.com
