
The Norway Reindeer Missing Heads & the Extra-23 Observation

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from MrCati;

The New Zealand Earthquake – The Norway Missing Heads and the Extra-23 Observation


The recent Norway event involving 323 dead Reindeer, with reindeer noted with missing heads, clearly showed in the code contained in the 323 Reindeer coded results, an extra 23 finding, that was noted in that report. Since the Norway report, the New Zealand Earthquake of 09-01-16, has allowed me to clearly and convincingly link the two recent events and to discover what could possibly be the extra 23 finding noted and shown in the code.

In this report I will show a return of the NASA image, listed as 11133-GCN, located in the Pacific Ocean, at a spot that was found by my ritually coded findings, going back to 2008 and specifically in 2011, when NASA released the X image, and I noted that their Big Red X, was located at the exact location, that I had found in my ritually coded findings, stemming back many years.

This report covers the background and historical data needed to best understand how the latest Norway report and the New Zealand Earthquake show and confirm the extra 23 as being a process, that shows by code and geographical location, the continued ritual emphasis on the future ritual coded dates of 9-23 and 9-24. As usual we are still continuing and pushing forward towards the future ritual dates of 9-23 and 9-24, when a series of 911 false flag events, will usher in their one world govt. and one world religion. As usual, a Planet X element is in play in these findings.

Background Sources and Links:

Comet Elenin and the NASA Big Red X

MrCati’s The False Flag Moon Impact Deception Video Link
Report date: 09-09-11


New Zealand E-Quake 7.1 CC TV FOOTAGE Mesothelioma Law Firm

NPR – Norway and the 323 Dead Reindeer
