ALERT: CDC Granting Itself Nazi Style Powers to DETAIN YOU INDEFINITELY!
from pineconeutopia:
With this proposed rule, the CDC can incarcerate you and inject you with dangerous vaccines at their whim. Please listen to this video and communicate your feelings to the CDC at the addresses indicated. After this is accepted you can no longer stand in line for public transportation without being forcibly injected with toxic vaccines. Please share this far and wide. Please use the following links:
ALERT: U.S. CDC Giving Itself Unconstitutional POWERS to Round Up and Detain Citizens En Masse Anytime, Anywhere And Throw Away the Key
Jesuits and Vaccines: An American Holocaust in Slow Motion
(All Parents Must Watch!) Vaccines Linked to Mitochondrial Damage
Citizens should file your comments at this website before October 14, 2016! Officially, it’s Comment No. CDC-2016-0068-0001.