
WATCH: The 323 Dead Reindeer, Some MISSING THEIR HEADS — Code Observation

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from MrCati;

The 323 Dead Reindeer Code and the Missing Heads – Observation


This video report and journal entry will show and discuss the code contained in the recent 08-29-16 media report, about 323 Reindeer being killed by lightening in Norway. While I do not agree with that reported cause, I will show and discuss what is not being discussed about this recent event. As usual, the relevant code found in this coded event, warrants a report to explain the findings that I am certain, most will find quite interesting, to say the least. To say that I am perplexed by these latest findings in this recent report, would be an understatement.

Background Sources and Links:
323 Reindeer Killed by Lightening In Norway
Lightning Strike Kills More Than 300 Wild Reindeer In Norway
