FLASHBACK: Secret LIGO Experiment WARNING: Witness of the Abyss
from C. Ervana;
LIGO is the Secret U.S. Version of CERN – Experiment WARNING: Witness of the Abyss (2016)
Although gravity is more complex than just “falling,” this appears to be a primitive explanation that inspired Isaac Newton (who observed an apple “falling” from a tree in 1666) to pen the Universal Law of Gravitation. Was Jesus referring to gravity when he said “I beheld Satan as lightning FALL.”
To clarify, Lawrence Krauss is a cosmologist. He does not work for LIGO. Nonetheless, he appears to have information from inside LIGO that indicates a gravitational wave was discovered. No LIGO scientist has yet announced this discovery formally.
Some of my comments in this video are speculative and may not turn out to be correct. I am a scientist, so making hypotheses is a part of what I do.