Filer’s Files #2 – 2016: Deep Space Warships?
from National UFO Center:
Hillary Clinton says, “We’ll get the UFO Information Out”
CONWAY — Daymond Steer writes, “Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave UFO enthusiasts a reason to cheer at the close of her recent editorial board meeting with The Conway Daily Sun.”
Reporter Daymond Steer asks Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for her stance on UFOs when she visited the Sun on Tuesday. (Margaret Mckenzie photo) During the meeting, answered serious questions about foreign policy and the economy, and at the end, she chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs the last time she visited.
She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic.“Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” said Clinton with enthusiasm.
Back in 2007, Clinton had said that the No. 1 topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received at his library was UFOs.
Last year, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn’t be surprised if aliens visit Earth since so many planets out there might support life. “I just hope it’s not like ‘Independence Day,’” said Clinton, referring to a movie about alien invaders. When asked about her husband’s nonchalant comment about contact with the third kind, Hillary Clinton responded: “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.” Clinton also said she would like to look into Area 51, a secret military base in Nevada that has long been rumored to contain aliens. At first, she called it Area 54 and then corrected herself.
But Bill Clinton told Kimmel that he had already looked into Area 51. He said everyone who works there has to stop about an hour away to put on special clothing. Clinton said Area 51 is where stealth technology is made. “There are no aliens there,” said Bill Clinton, adding at the anniversary of the supposed Roswell, N.M., crash in 1947, he released all the documents he could on the subject because he knew there would be popular demand. Kimmell had Bill Clinton promise that he would have announced the existence of aliens if he had found them. Hillary Clinton, while at the Sun, added that the chairman of her campaign, John Podesta, is a huge fan of UFO lore. Podesta served as chief of staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to the president for Barack Obama. “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Clinton. “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
Conaway Daily Sun – 12/30/15 Clinton Breaks Her Silence Website
This interview of Secretary Hilleary Clinton represents a breakthrough moment in American political history. Twenty three years after her husband’s administration was engaged by Laurance Rockefeller to release all “UFO” documents in government files and grant amnesty to government witnesses (the Rockefeller Initiative Website ) It is essential to remember she had the option to speak off the record. Here is a breakdown of and background on this interview.
[Steer] During the meeting, the former first lady, chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs the last time she visited. She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic.[Steer] “Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” said Clinton with enthusiasm.
This is a bold statement as the inevitable outcome of “getting to the bottom” on the issue would be Disclosure, which is to say Secretary Clinton would become the Disclosure president, assuming Disclosure has not already taken place.
[Steer] Back in 2007, Clinton had said that the No. 1 topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received at his library was UFOs.
Last year, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn’t be surprised if Earth is visited by aliens since so many planets out there might support life. “I just hope it’s not like ‘Independence Day,’” said Clinton, referring to a movie about alien invaders.
When asked about her husband’s nonchalant comment about contact with the third kind, Hillary Clinton
This is a remarkable statement. Secretary Clinton has just informed the Pentagon, which is quite aware of the Rockefeller Initiative and the Disclosure advocacy movement, she is heading their way if elected! [Steer] Kimmell had Bill Clinton promise that he would have announced the existence of aliens if he had found them.
Hillary Clinton, while at the Sun, added that the chairman of her campaign, John Podesta, is a huge fan of UFO lore. She said he enjoys a sc-ifi show on the FX network. Podesta served as chief of staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to the president for Barack Obama. By openly referring to Podesta in this context, she has linked her campaign to his recent twitter statements, his calls to release the UFO files, and ultimately his role in the Rockefeller Initiative. She also played a role. By doing this, she is making clear Podesta’s tweets were not jokes. This is important.
[Steer] “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Clinton. “One way or another, maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
This is very strong. Podesta was on the White House payroll as an advisor to Obama throughout 2014. This statement by Clinton would seem to again confirm the Podesta regret tweet Website was serious and indicates Podesta may have in fact advised Obama to seek the release of the UFO files to no avail. Was President Obama, as with President Carter, denied information by military/intelligence sources? If true, this would raise a significant constitutional question.
Secretary Clinton will be the messenger, and Barack Obama will be the Disclosure president. Note: I have sent her a copy of these files for years, but do not know if she reads them.
Congressional Hearing Initiative Website
Deep Space Warships
The McKinnon info validates the William Tompkins material and major parts of his story “Selected by Extraterrestrials” Everything is indeed becoming known.
Yahoo News reports, “According to a hacker who is facing a ten-year legal battle after breaking into NASA computers, the United States has a fully operational fleet of Space Warships.” Gary McKinnon firmly believes that he came across the ultimate information that proves the US has a secret space program operated by the Navy with fully operational warships that operate in Space.
In a new interview on UFO channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally reveals the entire truth about his findings saying: ‘I kept going for months and months. I kept thinking, ‘They’re going to close this door’. McKinnon said that he used a software called Landsearch, which allowed him to search all files and folders of interest to him. ‘I scanned and looked for documents, I found an Excel spreadsheet which said, ‘Non-terrestrial officers’, states McKinnon. ‘It had ranks and names. It had tabs for ‘material transfer’ between ships.
‘I took that to be, they must have a ships based in space – the names started with U.S.S.’
Gary McKinnon is accused of mounting the biggest ever hack in the history of the Unite3d States by breaking into the computers of the Army, Air force, Navy and NASA.
During his latest interview, McKinnon describes a conversation from a former NASA whistleblower Donna Hare, who had been told by a colleague that NASA was trying to hide delicate information by “airbrushing” UFOs from their photos.
“There was a colleague, who was in another room — they all had secret clearance but they were on different projects — and she (Hare) was in this chap’s lab or room or whatever it is and he said come and take a look at this,” said McKinnon.
While there are many people who firmly believe this is yet another elaborate hoax, there have been a series of former NASA and government employees who back up the claims made by McKinnon.
Structures on Mars
According to statements from a former Marine known as Captain Kaye, not only have humans made it to Mars in the past, but we have developed a secret space program and flotilla that operates in space. The former US Marine, was posted on the red planet for years and his mission was to protect the five human colonies from indigenous life forms on Mars. According to the former Marine, not only did he spend years on Mars, but he also served aboard a giant space carrier for three years. He worked for the Mars Defense Force (MDF), which is owned and operated by the Mars Colony Corporation (MCC), which is a conglomerate of financial institutions, government and tech companies. Kaye and his team were part of a special section of the United States Marines with a highly classified mission, protect and ensure the existence of five newly-established colonies on the surface of the red planet. The Space Defense Force, another secret military branch has military recruits from countries such as the United States, China and ‘.
Parts of the testimony from Captain Kaye are consistent with that of Michael Relfe, another whistleblower who claims to have served 20 years tour on the red planet.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Eisenhower claims that efforts were made to recruit her onto a human colony on Mars, led by researcher Dr. Hal Puthoff. She was told during the recruitment effort directed at her in 2006-07 that she would go to Mars via the jump room or technically “ARC,” which stands for “aeronautical repositioning chamber.”
According to ‘Jackie’ while working as part of the team downloading telemetry from the Viking Lander on Mars, she saw a human foot on the surface of the red planet. a live feed from Mars. According to “Jackie”, there are humans on Mars, and we have been on the red planet for over 20 years. ‘Jackie’, and six other employees saw the exact same thing, suggesting this might be the evidence that proves that a secret space program did exist (or might even still). In an interview with Coast-to-Coast AM, Jackie talked about humans on Mars, something that has been discussed among other NASA employees for years.
Many Ufologists believe that the statements made by the above individuals is accurate and that this information is being withheld from the general public. This also showed up on Yahoo News. NASA hacker: I found evidence America has Deep Space Warships and Frank Chilli
William Tompkins Testimony
On the Jeff Rense Radio Show William Tompkins on January 6-7, 2016, revealed that due to his excellent memory and model building skills he was assigned to Naval Intelligence working for Admiral Rick Abatta during World War II. According to Tompkins, his unit had a series of US Naval spies who returned from Germany who had discovered that the Germans were working on advanced wingless aircraft or types of discs apparently with the help of extraterrestrials. According to Tompkins, Adolph Hitler was working with Reptilian aliens and building early models of UFOs. The Reptilians had large caverns in Antarctica and numerous scientists were transferred to Antarctica to build advanced craft. The SS allowed a group of personnel to build UFOs in Germany and attempted to develop their own… Tompkins job was to take this information to various aviation companies, universities and research organizations. He often flew to Naval Development Center in Warminster, Maryland.
Tompkins explained, the Germans started in 1939, building and importing equipment into a massive cavern in Antarctica that was tied to extraterrestrial operations. They were building large transport submarines and anti gravitational UFOs. These craft allegedly flew Hitler and large numbers of Nazis to Argentina and Antarctica in the last stages of the war.
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