Why in God’s Name Are Sheeple Worshiping Hillary??

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from TRUTHstreammedia:

VIDEO: This, right here, is bread and circuses. Sorry if you feel lobotomized after watching this. Dear God, it’s not even 2016 yet.

Sometimes I forget there are people out there who actually buy in to all this presidential election b.s. every four years. These clips come from two actual newscasts I saw comprised of “Hillary is in a van,” “Hillary stayed in this hotel,” “Hillary came out that door,” “Hillary will go in this door,” “Hillary stood in this parking lot” and “Hillary waved”. This is what passes for political NEWS in this country. It is played on television sets and imbeds itself into people’s grey brain matter when they watch it. They try to get people all jazzed up to vote between to non-choices so everything can continue as usual. Unbelievable this is the reality they offer people.

Someone actually asked me today, “What are we supposed to do, NOT VOTE???”
