False Flag
Ol’ Joe Biden Rips Loose and Blows the Lid Off Who Armed ISIS
from Russia Insider:
Here’s what happens when Joe Biden accidentally veers off-script: the truth comes out!
Because that’s what tends to happen when you’ve told so many lies on so many different subjects – you forget what exactly it is you’re not supposed to say in public.
So candid that the White House actually issued an apology to Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates (i.e. not a retraction, but an apology for revealing their culpability in arming IS).
Shooting his mouth off at a Harvard Q&A with students last Thursday, Biden said:
“… our biggest problem is our allies – our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria. The Turks were great friends – and I have the greatest relationship with Erdogan, which I just spent a lot of time with – the Saudis, the Emiratis, etc. But what were they doing? They were so determined to take down Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, what did they do?
They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens, thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad, except that the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.
Now you think I’m exaggerating – take a look… Now we have – the President’s been able to put together a coalition of our Sunni neighbors, because America can’t once again go into a Muslim nation and be seen as the aggressor – it has to be led by Sunnis to go and attack a Sunni organization.”
Scroll down and listen to the White House’s own audio tape. Ignored by all Western mainstream media because (1) it’s what Putin has been saying all along and (2) well, because Biden wasn’t meant to say it.
Excellent additional commentary on CIA involvement in weapons transfers from Libya (Benghazi, anyone?) to Syria.
– Tina Jennings (RI Contributor)
Originally appeared at Mideast Shuffle
Update: The White House on Saturday said Vice President Joe Biden “apologized for any implication that Turkey or other allies and partners in the region had intentionally supplied or facilitated the growth of ISIL (IS, ISIS) or other violent extremists in Syria.” The operative word here is “intentionally” – please note that this language does not constitute a retraction of Biden’s claims that the US’s closest Mideast allies armed and funded extremist groups in Syria.
When Joe Biden gets candid, he really lets rip. The US vice president, speaking at the John F. Kennedy Jr Forum at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, on Thursday told his audience – point blank – that America’s Sunni allies are responsible for funding and arming Al Qaeda-type extremists in Syria.
And he named names: Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, specifically. Others – like Qatar – are undoubtedly complicit too, but Biden’s comments were made off-the-cuff during the question and answer period following his prepared statement.
Of course, much of what Biden said has been suspected for years by Syria watchers, but to acknowledge this outright during the early days of President Barack Obama’s much-vaunted ISIL-busting Coalition – featuring these very same Sunni Arab partners – is a jaw-dropping concession.
But that’s not all. Biden also managed to fundamentally undermine his administration’s efforts to train and arm “moderate” Syrian rebels today, by claiming there is no “moderate middle (in Syria) because the moderate middle are made up of shopkeepers, not soldiers.”
Keep in mind now that just two weeks ago Congress approved – at the request of this White House – $500 million dollars to train and arm “moderate” Syrian rebels. Obama’s second-in-command is saying there are none of those, so who exactly are US forces teaching to fight with heavy weapons in Saudi training camps today?