False Flag
Oregon State Agencies & Colleges Host Numerous “Active Shooter” Drills
from Memory Hole Blog:
Umpqua College Recipient of $2 Million Fed Grant, Features On-Campus Police Academy
From the Max Quigley Report w/ Editing, Graphics byMHB
Oregon did dress rehearsal “active shooter” drill last year at Central Oregon Community College:
The “shooter” was played by a police officer. He shot blank rounds and flash bangs to make it as realistic as possible.
More than 60 citizen volunteers participated as well. They played roles ranging from bystanders to victims.”
Roseburg Oregon is one of the prettiest places in America (or at least the rural valleys outside of the town looked that way last time I drove through the area a few years back). The hoax shooting was done there because it is shocking – not like 60 people shot in urban Chicago where gun control is the strictest in the nation.
Umpqua College its own police academy:
“The Academy is conducted in conjunction with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, Roseburg, Winston, Sutherlin, Myrtle Creek Police Departments, and Oregon State Police.” http://www.umpqua.edu/criminal-justice-career-technical/police-reserve-academy).
Umpqua College was also recently awarded a federal grant of $2.2 million. (https://www.umpqua.edu/college-news/433-ucc-to-receive-2-2-million-grant). That’s huge money for a small rural college.
Undoubtedly they will be getting millions more following the October 1 active shooter event.
Two weeks ago mass casualty drill held in nearby South Bend:
Another in Portland earlier this year came out with this 67 page “Player Guide” for the crisis actors :
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