
MUST WATCH: Billions in Change — Official Film

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The question for us was this, how can WE make a sizable difference to alleviate human suffering?” – Manoj Bhargava

from Billions in Change:

VIDEO:  Unlimited Energy. Pollution free. This IS the game changer. 

An inspirational and uplifting documentary about the man who made BILLIONS from ‘Five Hour Energy’ drinks, and who wants to give it all away in ways that make a REALLY BIG difference for humanity. His name is Minoj Bhargava, and this is his story.

The world is facing some huge problems. There’s a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn’t reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick. That takes doing. This film is the story about a group of doers, the elegantly simple inventions they have made to change the lives of billions of people, and the unconventional billionaire spearheading the project.