from Ground Zero Media:
One of the mysteries that has the buzz on the internet is when you type in tomorrow’s date of 9-23-2015 or September 23rd, 2015 into Goggle Maps, the computer will direct you to a place near Geneva, Switzerland. After further magnification you realize that you have landed at the headquarters of LHC at CERN.
It is also interesting to note that when you type in the name Anthony Patch you also land at CERN in Switzerland.
Anthony Patch first appeared on Ground Zero to warn us that by the Fall of 2015, namely the beginning of the autumnal equinox which conveniently falls on September 23rd, 2015, CERN will begin colliding groups of 70 million lead hadrons at 287 tev, unpacking millions of quarks in each collision.
According to CERN Truth, an organization that reports what is happening and the Large Hadron Collider those quarks will be first accelerated at light speed, acquiring relativistic mass, becoming heavier strange quarks, the substance of a strange quark-gluon soup called a ‘strangelet‘. The strange liquid has the potential to become stable and start an ‘ice-9′ big-bang reaction. If that happens that effectively transforms the Earth into a pulsar.
In late 2008, when CERN was first firing up the engines on its atom-smashing machine, Otto Rossler, a German professor at the University of Tubingen, filed a lawsuit against CERN with the European Court of Human Rights, on the grounds that the facility could trigger a mini black hole that could get out of control and annihilate the planet. The Court tossed out Rossler’s request, but he nevertheless succeeded in generating heated discussion on the possible dark side of the experiment.
While CERN adamantly denies to the public and the press that production of Strangelets is possible, it runs a program called CASTOR for Centaruro And Strangelets Object Research, whose researchers affirm in their inner reports to the company the ‘likely’ probability of creating them. This is in accordance to the most advanced literature on the subject, but of course, it must be hidden to the public and the naive press.
This simple fact – CERN is just a quark cannon that deconfines and gives heavier mass to quarks, transforming them into the next ‘horizon’ of heavy mass, strange quarks, which eat up planets might seem amazing to the reader, submitted to the ‘rhetoric’ of research and the blatant lies of this institution, a left-over the cold war, ‘refurbished’ with a newspeak of research. But this is the bottom line, simple truth about CERN. CERN says its experiments are similar to cosmic rays, and this is false.
The CERN collider is composed of some 9,600 super magnets – which are 100,000 times more powerful than the gravitational pull of Earth – that fire protons around a circular track at mindboggling speeds. A beam might rotate for up to 10 hours, travelling a distance of more than 10 billion kilometers, enough to make it to the far reaches of our Solar System and back again. Travelling just below light-speed, a proton in the LHC will make 11,245 circuits every second.
No less amazing are the magnet’s coils, which are made up of 36 twisted 15mm strands, each strand comprised in turn of 6000-9000 single filaments, each filament possessing a diameter as small as 7 micrometers. The 27km length of the LHC demands some 7,600 km (4,100 miles) of cable, which amounts to about 270,000 km (145,000 miles) of strand — more than enough to circle the Earth six times at the equator. According to the CERN website, if the filaments were unraveled, they would “stretch to the Sun and back five times with enough left over for a few trips to the Moon.”
The pull upon the earth is obviously extraordinary; some say that one false move could slit the earth in two. The pressure and heat combined is extraordinary. There has to be a temperature created in the collider that is more than 100,000-times the temperature at the center of the Sun. This will be achieved, CERN says, by accelerating and colliding together two beams of heavy ions. So far, ion collisions have been successful, however now the power is going to be turned up… like the expression in the movie Spinal Tap—they are going to take this baby to 11—and beyond that.
Intensity ramp ups at CERN began on the 10th of September with full power beaming on with what are called special physics runs on the 23rd and 24th . Although the internet believes that the 23rd of September is the date to watch for trouble or even some sort of extinction level event at CERN, the real fireworks will be in November and December when the protons are swapped for heavier mass ions of lead. Some watchdogs are speculating that this maybe the time where scientist will achieve their goal of maintaining enough power to stabilize any connection to another dimension.
This is not science fiction – it is fact.
According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, any large amounts of matter or energy will distort the space and time that surrounds it.
If the energy or mass is large enough, it is claimed that time can be distorted so much that it folds back on itself – creating a wormhole, or time tunnel, between the present and the future.
Einstein called it a Rosen Bridge.
If the power stabilizes and the Rosen Bridge can be achieved, then who knows what or who can come through the wormhole.
In the summer of 1996 Donald Tyson wrote an article for Gnosis magazine entitled ‘The Enochian Apocalypse in it he wrote about how magicians throughout time have tried to open up a wormhole and speak with fourth dimensional beings no matter if they are benevolent or malevolent.
Tyson wrote:
“Between the years 1582 and 1589 the English scholar John Dee (1527-1608) conducted a series of ritual communications with a set of disincarnate entities who eventually came to be known as the Enochian angels.”
What the Enochian angels conveyed to Dee was not merely a potent form of magic to rule the tutelary spirits of the nations. It was an initiatory formula designed to open the locked gates of the four great watchtowers known as the Axis Mundi that stand guard against chaos at the extremities of our universe. The Watchtowers were described by the angel that Dee identified as, Ave.
“The 4 houses are the 4 Angels of the Earth, which are the 4 Overseers, and Watchtowers, that the eternal God in his providence hath placed, against the usurping blasphemy, misuse, and stealth of the wicked and great enemy, the Devil. To the intent that being put out to the Earth, his envious will might be bridled, the determinations of God fulfilled, and his creatures kept and preserved, within the compass and measure of order.”
These Watchtowers, represented in Enochian magic by alphabetical squares, are equivalent to the four mystical pillars of Egyptian mythology that hold up the sky and keep it from crashing into the earth.
The Jed and the Axis Mundi are the guardian centers that hold the galaxy together. These pillars are crucial to opening a gate to the hosts of the fourth dimension.
It was Dee’s plan to use the complex system of magic communicated by the angels to advance the expansionist policies of his sovereign, Queen Elizabeth I.
With the aid of fellow occult researcher Edward Kelley, he planned to open a portal to the other side by using the lower keys of Enoch, a magical alphabet that was sung. There were certain symbols and shapes the represented different tones and phonetics that had to be sung a certain way in order to communicate with these beings. A combination of phonetic tones and shapes were used to open what was called a “gate” to the stars.
That is the Stargate or the Rosen Bridge wormhole – an opening where these beings could travel through into our existence.
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