
Climate Engineering Worse Than All Ecological Problems Combined

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from Greg Hunter:

Guest: Dane Wigington of contends, “Anything we do to alter the natural systems is a form of engineering the planet. Engineering is perhaps too dignified, but it alters the biosphere. Putting a hundred million tons of carbon in the air is a big problem. Cutting down forests is a big problem. Painting the planet is another big problem, but when you look at climate engineering and how it has kept the planet from responding to the damage done, that is a bigger problem than all of them combined. The sea levels are rising 10 times faster than what we are being told. Miami is pumping out sea water every high tide. The streets are flooding underneath every high tide. . . . Even a foot or two of sea level rise is cataclysmic for any costal habitation. The total sea level rise is beyond what most people think that is possible. In official studies, if Greenland melts in its entirety, that is 21 to 24 feet of sea level rise. If Antarctica melts, that is a 197 to 200 feet of sea level rise. It’s not going to happen overnight, but it is happening at exponential speed, and it only take one or two feet to cause cataclysmic damage all over the globe. It is happening right now.”