NWO PUPPETS: Jeb Awarded Hillary With ‘Liberty Medal’ In 2013
…Now Says She Failed As Secretary Of State
by Rachel Blevins, Truth In Media:
Nearly two years after Jeb Bush awarded Hillary Clinton with the prestigious “Liberty Medal” on behalf of the National Constitution Center, he is calling her tenure as Secretary of State a “complete failure.”
After a long-awaited announcement from former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, in which he confirmed that he is running for President in 2016, he began campaigning in New Hampshire, and took the time to criticize Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, calling her tenure as Secretary of State a “complete failure.”
Bush told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that while he sees Clinton as tough and smart, he doesn’t think she accomplished much as a New York Senator, and he sees her tenure as Secretary of State as a “complete failure.”
“She’s smart. I think she’s smart, I think she loves the country,” Bush said. “I don’t ascribe bad motives for people that I don’t agree with. But as a senator, I think she passed – she has her name on three laws in eight years. And as Secretary of State, in all honesty, the things she’s known for, the reset, the pulling back of our commitments, Libya, to put aside Benghazi, Libya in general. It turns out there was a complete failure.”
Bush also said that he thinks Clinton “needs to answer questions,” about the controversy related to the private email account she used for government business during her tenure as Secretary of State. “She needs to do the exact same thing that candidates running for President do,” Bush said.