Bilderberg 2015: Implementation of the A.I. Grid
by Jay Dyer, Activist Post:
The plan to integrate nations into continental trading blocs is not a new idea. In Dr. Carroll Quigley’sTragedy and Hope, reference is made to the plan of the Third Reich to create global trading blocs, which itself is an older British Royal Society plan. Daniel Estulin, in his The Bilderberg Group and Shadow Masters provides detailed investigations into both Bilderberg and its many-headed Hydra organization, exemplified in Captain America 2: Winter Soldier. Founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, as well as numerous other Atlanticist elites like David Rockefeller, Paul Van Zeeland and numerous other media barons, corporate heads, bankers, and countless other people better than us.
Bilderberg, operating under the guise of “free market capitalism,” represents instead the complete culmination of banking corporate world control. Presented as yet another debate forum, the secretive meetings instead have been revealed in numerous cases to have driven global policy. The most shining example is the 1955 Bilderberg meeting’s plans for the creation of the “European Common Market” and “European Union (Unity) shown below. It is important to recall that the European Common Market came into play some three years later in 1958, while the European Union itself was supposedly founded in 1993. With this in mind, we can see how the TTIP is simply a further extension of the same strategy of economic integration, from the EU to NAFTA.
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1955 Bilderberg document highlighting the coming European Union reproduced in Estulin’s Shadow Masters.
In other words, what the banksters planned in secret in 1955 was made public in 1993, having been implemented in gradual, incremental stages. Indeed, it was the post-World War II era that created all these entities – the U.N., Bretton Woods and the IMF and World Bank, etc. All of these entities, including Bilderberg, are part of the same power structure that coordinated the last century’s wars for the sole purpose of a world government, all of which is spelled out in Quigley’s CFR archives-based tome, Tragedy and Hope. Thus, while the populations still think their national governments are at war with other nation-states and market economies are driving economic surplus, the reality is that most nation-states are subsidiaries of the Atlanticist power bloc whose sights are set on the dismantling of Russia, as Estulin’s Shadow Masters details.
Like last year’s Bilderberg meeting, the whispers are this year will discuss the implementation and rollout of artificial intelligence. 2015 has seen a tremendous push for the acceptance of automation, from robots in the workplace, to driverless cars, to implantable microchips. Transhumanism is now a buzzword, and we in the alternative media community have been vindicated countless times in calling attention to the unified agenda of selling the masses on the acceptance of the new religious ideology. JaysAnalysis has highlighted this takeover plan from older Pentagon documents, as well as its selling point in countless Hollywood blockbusters (and here).
This year, former DARPA head turned Google exec, Regina Dugan will be speaking, vindicating JaysAnalysis’ identifying Dugan as a key player to watch back in 2012. In 2013, Dugan gave a talk telling the audience the future of the microchip will be an ingestible form, as well as tattooed RFID tracking. Dugan’s Ted Talks and lectures detailed the technological side of the pyramid’s plans for rolling out the “Smart” drones, and when read in convert with IBM CEO Ginny Rommety’s lectures on SmartCities and “pre-crime,” we can see the unified plan of the technocrats. Detailing hundreds of similar examples, what is most difficult to convey is the unified nature of the overall plan, from economic “reform” and “free market shock therapy austerity,” to the implementation of the Smart grid/A.I. takeover, to the bio-chemical dysgenics operations, the Atlanticist plans are unified, strategic, and full-spectrum. They cover the entire domain of human experience, as well as the entire biosphere. The transition to SmartCities is the ultimate goal of the Green/Agenda 21 plan, as the below UK think tank Forum for the Future propaganda video demonstrates:
All of this arrives on the heels of Jenner’s trans-formation into a “woman,” despite the obvious absurdity of this idea given male and female chromosomes, as well as Ray Kurzweil’s claim that by 2030, humans will be cyborg hybrids. Kurzweil stated:
Kurzweil predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. That means our brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud, where there will be thousands of computers, and those computers will augment our existing intelligence. He said the brain will connect via nanobots — tiny robots made from DNA strands. “Our thinking then will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking,” he said. The bigger and more complex the cloud, the more advanced our thinking. By the time we get to the late 2030s or the early 2040s, Kurzweil believes our thinking will be predominately non-biological. We’ll also be able to fully back up our brains. “We’re going to gradually merge and enhance ourselves,” he said. “In my view, that’s the nature of being human — we transcend our limitations.”
The over-arching plan is the complete trans-cending of limitations, be they law, gender, nature, time and space. However, while this unified agenda has all the weight of the Fortune 100 and transnational banksters behind it, the Gospel of the transhumanists has one big problem – as long as humans are a finite mind with a limited point of focus in the psyche, there will always be limitations. Man’s Promethean desire to overcome limitations through alchemical techno means is all predicated on naturalism, andnaturalism isn’t true. Transhumanist “immortality” is a deception that, even as life extension (an actual, positive goal) becomes more advanced, will not be offered to the masses. The same people meeting at Bilderberg desiring immortality are the same people behind mass dysgenics, global drug running and the rigging of global markets. Why would you trust liars to give you eternal life? Truly people will believe anything.
The unified plan is also outlined in one of its architect’s most famous dystopian novels, Aldous Huxley’sBrave New World. In his 1932 work, the future envisioned is entirely under technocratic control, where breeding is controlled by the state through cloning, sterilization, and the abolition of monogamy, property history, tradition and culture. Huxley’s famous Berkeley speech outlines the strategy – the very thing Bilderberg desires to implement, and even describes mass mind control, brainwashing, and the mass pharmacological neutering of the future genderless Morlock masses. Huxley referred to it as the “final revolution” – the revolution against man himself. It is a unified plan.
You can read more from Jay Dyer at his site Jay’s Analysis, where this article first appeared.
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