This Week in the Creeping Horror…
by Aaron & Melissa Dykes, Activist Post.com:
We start off with our recurring news segment, THIS WEEK IN THE CREEPING HORROR. You know, the Baltimore riots that George Soros paid for went off without a hitch to further federalize our police, and a lot of people spent an inordinate amount of time talking about Bruce Jenner’s makeup for some reason like it matters to them and their personal lives.
Aaron goes live on location where a child has been black bagged and a school was locked down by SWAT for simply thinking about a gun. Yes, a deadly, horrible, evil thought crime indeed!
Then we hit the streets to take part in an Austin “art” project where we can use our smart phones hooked to the Internet of Things to “wake up” and talk to smart “street furniture” like lamp posts, smart meters, and parking meters that want us to inform on people parked badly…
Finally, we announced the Name Hillary’s Pathology Contest (more details coming ASAP). Watch episode below:
Thanks for watching, and please share and support this channel because the State is never, ever going to. This episode is dedicated to our Moms. Thanks for having us and everything, we love you!!