
Proven: American vaccines cause permanent brain damage

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from Russia-Insider, The Daily Coin.com: 

New research on vaccines quality has been recently conducted. The American scientists proved that vaccines may lead to Vaccine-Induced Brain Damage Syndrome (VIBDS).

That is possible due to toxic additives that were found in the vaccines. Such components as aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, antibiotic drugs, etc lead to the permanent cognitive function suppression as well. Each of these ingredients is known as neurotoxin. Once the brain has been poisoned enough by one of these chemicals, that brain will fail to grasp the dangers present across all chemicals.

Cognitive suppression can be also caused by things like sniffing glue or undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Pravda.Ru has already reported on the irreversible changes that chemotherapy causes. Patients undergoing chemotherapy routinely exhibit suppressed cognition, reduced problem-solving skills and a loss of social skills.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation program created by Congress has already paid out nearly 3 billion dollars for those suffered from brain damages, comas and deaths.

The US Congress though still grants vaccine companies absolute legal immunity.


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