Chris Powell: Gold Is The Deadly Threat to All Governments
from The Daily Coin.com:
We open this podcast with Charlie Chaplin’s speech from “The Dictator.“ It is one of the most powerful speeches ever given. It ranks with the likes of Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” and a handful of other truly great speeches that were designed to uplift the spirit, free the mind and announce to the world we are all sovereign human beings created to do great things with our lives.
For over 15 years, Chris Powell – the co-founder of GATA – has been in the trenches exposing the corruption deeply embedded in our financial and political system. Chris has been a staunch promoter of free markets and reduced Government power. The cornerstone of democracy and true freedom begins with honest money. Gold stands alone a honest because it does not rely and counterparty risk and it can not be printed and devalued.
Because of this inherent nature in the use of gold as currency, gold stands as threat to a Government’s ability to dictate.
Gold is the deadly threat to all governments, including the Chinese government. Gold is a free market independent currency and puts all government currency at risk. Is China really working in the gold market for free markets and democracy and individual liberty around the world? No, I don’t think so. China, I think, is mainly working to hedge it’s stupid U.S. dollar exposure. – Chris Powell, Shadow of Truth
The gold community, in general, is very excited about the prospects of China and the new gold fix that will be launched sometime in 2015. Most of the speculation is around the September timeframe, but most assuredly before years end. After speaking with Chris about China and this seemingly important change in the global pricing mechanism, our optimism is waning. Let’s just say there has been a dose of reality served up.
I don’t kid myself that China is working for the benefit of us goldbugs here in the West. I think China is working for power for the Chinese government. Now, does the Chinese government want a higher gold price or a lower gold price or does the Chinese government just want to control the gold price as much as Western governments want to control it for different reasons? In 1974 Kissinger and his Deputy Secretary Thomas Enders discussed how the United States must persuade the European countries to keep moving gold out of the world financial system because whoever has the most gold controls it’s valuation and whoever controls golds valuation controls the valuation of government currencies. – Chris Powell, Shadow of Truth
This is an incredible interview with Chris Powell. Dare we say that he was “on fire.”
I’d say almost all the major ones (mainstream media) in the United States and Europe. Every major financial news organization in the West has all this documentation (regarding gold market manipulation) It just can not be acknowledged as an issue. Any journalist that picked up the gold price suppression issue would be fired.
I don’t think the power of Central Banks to create infinite money is their greatest advantage right now. I think their greatest advantage right now is either their control of the mainstream financial news media or the timidity of the mainstream financial news media. This story is just the Emperors New Clothes.
There is very likely an arrangement, an understanding, among the world’s major Central Banks that is redistributing the worlds gold, right now, the debtor nations to the creditor nations to allow the creditor nations to hedge themselves against an evadible devaluation of the dollar.
He (Jim Rickards) has said, over the last year, a number of times. That from his meetings with government officials, Central Bank officials, elected officials, officials of the International Monetary Fund that there is, some, more or less formal arrangement, understanding between the United States and China. Whereby, China agrees not to dump it’s Treasuries while the United States agrees facilitate the flow of gold into China at a discounted price.
Rickards has been on record, on several occasions, stating that gold would be revalued to approximately $9,000 per ounce. According to Millars report, there is already in place, a plan to revalue gold by 7 to 10 times. Gold is currently, approximately, $1,200 per ounce, multiply that by 7 and you get $8,400 per ounce. A multiple of 10 and you have $12,000 per ounce.
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