Australia: mandatory vaccines and the secret treaty
by Jon Rappoport, Activist Post.com:
“There is never a decay of organized religion. When one church falls, another is built. During the 20th century, the new church was Science—in particular, Medical Science. It was constructed to extract the maximum amount of compliance from the population. This is what all orthodox churches do. So in addition to the countless numbers of diagnoses and drugs, there was the element of mind control: ‘Follow our orders. We know the truth and we are giving it you for your own good; we love you and care about you, unless you rebel; then we consign you to Hell.”(The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
Globalism is the New World Order. There is no mystery about it.
The alliance between mega-corporations, banks, and governments is ever-growing, as they extend their power over populations.
In this article, I use the example of Australia to illustrate a hidden point that applies to nations all over the world:
The medical cartel is “a compliance arm” of the New World Order.
The principle is simple: expand the degree of citizen-obedience in one area, and you expand it in all areas.
You create the core habit of obedience. That habit extends down into the subconscious mind.
Globalism and the New World Order need that obedience, because its methods are often so outrageous only robots would fall into line.