Ukrainians Protest U.S. Police-State the Only Available Way
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s Blog.com:
The racist-fascist (or “nazi”) anti-Russian regime that the U.S. installed in a February 2014 coup does not permit protest (except from its small right: the few overt nazis demanding even more militancy); so, the only way that thousands of Ukrainians were safely able to express their loathing of the U.S. Embassy in Kiev on April 1st was by mooing as a non-verbal expression against the regime-controllers inside the compound, telling them, in effect, “We are not cattle.” However, at the end of the protest, someone managed to throw cow-dung at the compound.
The police-state prohibited this event from being broadcast, and removed it even from the internet locally, but pictures and video have seeped out by now (after having been posted on April 2nd), and are made available (along with the mock braying of cattle), and are shown here summarized below as stills taken from various positions around the U.S. compound. The full video (less than two minutes) can be seen and heard at, and is from:
Whereas the “Maidan” demonstrations were orchestrated by the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, this anti-imperialist demonstration was truly grass-roots and not organized by any foreign government.
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